One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

“Look Carefully Then How You Walk”

Jun 9, 2024    Brett Wendle

Sermon Overview 

Be careful to live in a way marked by wisdom and the work of the Spirit.

1. Wisely use time according to Christ's will. (5:15-17)

2. Welcome the work of the Spirit. (5:18-21)

Digging Deeper:

Read Ephesians 5:15-21

1. Verse 16 says, "Because the days are evil".  How did the sermon help us understand this?  How does it inform our use of time?  

2. Verse 17 calls us to understand the will of Christ. In this context, how can we identify Christ's priorities for our lives? And how do those priorities influence how we spend our time?

3. Discuss wise and unwise ways of making the best use of your time for Christ.

4. Consider your own use of time. How well does it line up with honoring and glorifying God? How are you using your time well? Where would you like to grow?

5. When it comes to your time, where could you use encouragement, advice, or accountability?

6. Verse 18 says, "be filled with the Spirit."  How is being filled with the Holy Spirit different from being under the influence of alcohol?

7. How has Brett helped us understand the fullness of the Spirit in our lives?

8. The verses 19-21 describe a life filled with the Spirit. What should we pursue together? 

9. How is singing together beneficial for one another and glorifies God?

10. Think about a member of our Gospel Community. Share a way they’ve been encouraging to you in your spiritual life. 

11. What is challenging/encouraging in your submission to one another (marriage, parenting, servitude, Gospel Community, accountability)?  

12. How does Christ’s Submission to God fuel our submission to one another?
