One Service at 10:00a on January 1.


2024 Men's Retreat | Biblical Friendship: A Treasure worth fighting for

Male friendship is in crisis: many guys don't have close friends, and it can be easy to view friendship as just sitting around and talking. But the Bible paints a much bigger and more compelling vision of friendship, one that gives meaning and a shared mission. During this year's retreat, Brett Wendle and Justin Denney will speak to how we can build enduring, biblical friendships in a lonely world.

2024 Men's Bible Study: John

Christ's ministry, as portrayed by John, has invited millions of believers throughout the ages into saving faith with Jesus and will lead you to a deeper understanding of His ultimate story.  Join the men as we study the Gospel of John from 6:30p-8:00p on Wednesday evenings in Room 103.  Books are $10, payable in person.  

Contact Terry Peterson if you have any questions. Please register if you plan to attend.

2025 Men's Leadership Development 

God has given men a distinctive strength and called them to take responsibility for the good of others, especially their spiritual good. Over six Saturday morning sessions, each year Men’s Leadership Development helps men:  
  • Understand and own what God has made men to be 
  • Deepen their understanding of and ability to teach and  
    defend key Christian truths 
  • Pursue spiritual maturity  
  • Be equipped to help others grow as well 

Men’s Leadership Development is on a 3-year cycle.  It is not necessary to have attended prior years to participate.  This year’s topics include:  

The course requires a commitment to reading and homework assignments as well as consistent attendance. Registration is $25 and includes Wayne Grudem’s Bible Doctrine and all course materials. Registration for teenage sons is $10.00