One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

mission partners

bringing the gospel to all people

We partner with other like-minded individuals, organizations and churches who share our vision of bringing the gospel to all people. We're committed to prayerfully and financially helping these brothers and sisters so the gospel can be spread throughout the nations.

We pursue this through three types of relationships:
1. Mission Partners: long-term deeply connected relationships.
2. Partner Organizations*: Ministries that pursue needs aligned with our mission.
3. Grant Partners**: short-term investment to launch ministry initiatives.



Albania I Jeff & Meredith >
France I Andrias >
France I Parfitts >
Hungary I Beattys >

North & South america

Middle East

United states

check out organizations we partner with here

dominique & laura angers

Montreal, Canada  I  Pastoral Training
Dominique is serving in French-speaking Canada as a professor of New Testament and Pastoral Theology at The Evangelical Theological Seminary. Dominique teaches regularly through a theology podcast and engages in forms of larger ministry to the French-speaking church worldwide.

Dominique and Laura are also involved in an existing church plant full of young adults in the heart of Montreal. Evangelism is a big and exciting part of their ministry in Montreal as God continues to open doors with unbelievers. 

david & yulia beatty

Budapest, Hungary  I  Cru
David and Yulia Beatty are training leaders in Eastern Europe and beyond with Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru), and live in Budapest, Hungary. They serve 19 countries in their region and also play a significant role in identifying and equipping elders to serve their local church.

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advancing the gospel through the training of pastors and future church leaders

enoch & virginia okode

Kenya  I  Scott Christian University
After completing studies at Trinity International University, Enoch, Virginia, and their two daughters returned to Kenya in 2019. Enoch serves as the Dean for Scott Christian University's School of Theology, where they train pastors and church leaders for ministry in Kenya and other nations in Africa. Virginia also teaches classes at the university. 

Paul & Rodah Mbandi

Kenya  I  Missions Afield Leadership Development Africa
Paul is the executive director of Missions Afield Leadership
Development Africa (MALDA). MALDA trains rural and urban church leaders in the areas of biblical studies, expository preaching and leadership development. He conducts leadership seminars throughout Kenya in the areas pf biblical preaching, pastoral leadership and church management.

transforming student lives with the gospel 

Jamie moon

Kenosha, WI  I  InterVarsity, University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Jamie is a member of CrossWay and is currently on staff with InterVarsity at UW-Parkside, right here in Kenosha. InterVarsity had a big impact on Jamie’s life while she was in school and she felt called to minister through InterVarsity to the next generation of students. Her vision is to see the gospel transform the lives of students so impacts are not only made on campus, but also made around the world as students move on after college.

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the caampueds

The Philippines  I  Pastoral Training
Arcy and her son Paul III facilitate a team that trains pastors at the grassroots level all over the Philippines. The ministry was started by Paul II in 1996 who led the effort for 11 years until his death. The team travels all over the country serving rural pastors, most of whom have no formal theological education.

While there has been much growth in the spread of the gospel among the major cities like Manila, there continues to be many people groups in the remote villages and islands that have little-to-no awareness of the good news of Jesus Christ.

the salvianos

Belo Horizonte  I  Pastoral Training
The Salvianos are located in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Since 2004, Nelson has developed a pastoral training program called ESCALE that he uses to train grassroots pastors in shanty towns and remote regions. He has built a network of relationships and developed a leadership team to help him train pastors.

Gospel churches are flourishing in the whole country and more than 30% of the nation calls themselves protestant; however, this growth comes with a lot of deficiency, with many pastors teaching and preaching about prosperity and instantaneous blessings. There is a very strong need to train pastors and leaders to preach the Bible faithfully.

Jeff & Meredith

Tirana, Albania  I  Evangelism
Jeff and Meredith’s vision is to see the gospel take root among the Albanians living in Macedonia, which still suffers from the after-effects of 60 years under a particularly harsh form of communism. Albania is a majority Muslim country and less than 0.4% of the population is evangelical.

In working towards their gospel-vision, Jeff and Meredith are now engaged in two distinct but related ministries: 1) discipleship and evangelism in and through the local church in Albania, and 2) holistic discipleship in the marketplace through a Christian development organization operating in both Albania and Macedonia.

serving those who serve

nick & senja bair

Virginia, US  I  Cru Military
Nick serves as the Chief of Staff over Cru Military’s Ministry Support Center (MSC). He leads the MSC team in its mission to enable and enhance field teams as they build spiritual movements within the global military community so that everyone comes to know someone who truly follows Jesus Christ. Nick and Senja have been on staff with the Military Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ since 2003, and served at the Great Lakes Naval Station for ten years before moving to Virginia.

being a light in the darkness

At CrossWay we want to be engaged in praying for Christians who live in countries where there is heightened hostility towards those who identify with Jesus Christ.

Christian persecution takes many forms. We encourage you to pray for believers around the world who risk their lives for the advancement of the gospel, including CrossWay's partners in Asia, Middle East, and North Africa. For more information, explore Open Doors.

asia partner

MIddle East partner

North africa partner

If you ever have questions regarding our global mission partners, contact Pastor Steve Moore.

partner organizations

Every partnership you read about below is a little different. However, the common thread that unites them is CrossWay’s mission. Ultimately, these partnerships help us bring glory to God through the transforming of lives by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. For questions, reach out to CrossWay’s Director of Mercy Ministries, Steve Handler.

alliance family services

Alliance Family Services provides medical, emotional, material and community resources for women, men and families facing unplanned pregnancies. CrossWay is passionate about seeing strong, healthy families thrive in the community of Kenosha and southeastern Wisconsin. Steve Handler serves on the Alliance Family Services' Board of Directors.

If you're interested in learning about volunteer opportunities, contact Steve


Launched in Fall 2022, Kenosha Christian Academy aims to serve students in Kenosha's city center with a rigorous classical Christian education.
Kenosha Christian Academy is a Christian school in Kenosha that seeks to nurture love of God and neighbor by providing an inspiring Christian education to the youth in the city. Its aim is to provide this education to low-income families in Kenosha.

the charles simeon trust

The Charles Simeon Trust promotes the growth of the gospel by training up the next generation of Biblical expositors. Online courses and in-person workshops are made available to help teachers of God’s Word become competent and confident in rightly handling the Bible. CrossWay sends men and women for training, hosts workshops and supports Pastor Mike Bullmore in his role as a course instructor.

gideons international

Gideons International is dedicated to making the Word of God available to everyone to help spread the good news of Jesus Christ. Gideons personally witness and distribute God’s Word to police, fire and medical personnel; prisoners; and to those with whom they interact on a daily basis. Scriptures are also placed by Gideons in key locations, including hotels, hospitals and domestic violence shelters. CrossWay is committed to supporting the kingdom efforts of our local Gideon men and women.

it’s our passion to renew our local region with the gospel

It’s Our joy to train men to pastor gospel-centered churches