One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

Gospel communities

living for jesus together

Being a follower of Jesus was never meant to be done alone. It takes community to live your life well for God’s glory.

Getting plugged into a Gospel Community not only helps you get connected to other believers at CrossWay, but also helps you live out your ordinary life with gospel-intentionality.

Gospel Communities are families of disciples on mission




Gospel Communities are a place for real, authentic relationships to start, develop, and grow into connections as deep as family. Members of a Gospel Community look out for one another, help each other out, have fun, laugh and cry together.
Everyone is on a spiritual journey. Gospel Communities gather people from various backgrounds and experiences on a journey to know, understand, and follow Jesus. 
Gospel Communities exist to love and serve the communities around them in the name of Jesus. Gospel Communities weave in people that are disconnected and reach out to people who may not know Jesus.

Connect with a gospel community by taking the steps below:


Watch the video above for a quick intro to Gospel Communities. 


Fill out this form.


Hang tight and we'll be in touch with you soon.

Gospel communities help form Disciples of jesus.

Gospel Communities are a huge part of our life here at CrossWay. They're designed to help disciples of Jesus remain centered on the gospel as we all commit to trusting, living out, speaking and sharing the gospel.

trust the gospel

Everything in the life of disciple begins and grows with trusting the gospel. A person becomes a disciple of Jesus by turning away from their life of sin and trusting the gospel. A disciple grows by committing to and appreciating the gospel more and more. The gospel is not just news to be heard, it’s news to be received, to be believed, and to be cherished.

live out the gospel

The gospel impacts every facet of a disciple’s life. As the truths of the gospel are applied, a disciple’s life should be a clear and compelling demonstration of the gospel’s transforming power. Truly trusting the gospel implies the gospel will be visible in a disciple’s life.

speak the gospel

The life of a disciple is fully restored to God and yet a work in progress. Disciples speak the gospel to other disciples to remind, encourage and instruct one another with truths that flow from the gospel.

share the gospel

Many of our friends, family members, and neighbors have never experienced the saving power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. A disciple gives themselves to bearing witness to the gospel among those who are outside the community of faith.


do i have to be a member to join?

Nope! Anyone is welcome to check out a Gospel Community. Over time, our hope would that becoming a member would be the natural effect of committing to the people in your Gospel Community and the wider church.

Do I have to be a bible expert to join?

Not at all. Gospel Communities are filled with people on various points on their spiritual journey in following Jesus. Some might be just starting to consider Jesus all the way to others who have been following Jesus for a long time.

are groups specific to life stage?

Each Gospel Community varies. Some are multi-generational while others are specific to stage-of-life. Some are gender-specific, others are for men and women alike.

What do you do in a gospel community?

Each Gospel Community is a little different, but most: get together a handful of times a month to discuss the Bible, pray, and hang out. Many Gospel Communities find ways to serve together too.

what if there's not a group that meets at a time or place that works for me?

Contact Jenny Andrus. She'll let you know if there's a group at CrossWay that fits your schedule.

i know of people wanting to form a group, what do we do next?

This is great! Contact Josh Mathews, and he will help you get the ball rolling.

Interested in learning more about Crossway?

Vision and Values explores why we exist as a church, what we're guided by, and what we do week in and week out. If you're considering becoming a member, attendance is required. If you're simply wanting to get to know more about CrossWay, this is a perfect class to attend.

Our next Vision and Values class will be Friday, September 26 (6:30p-9:00p) & Saturday, September 27 (9:00a-11:30a)