An effort to renew our region with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
There are about 80,000 people in Kenosha alone who are unchurched, and therefore, likely do not have a relationship with God.
The gospel transforms lives, breaks down barriers, speaks to our deepest needs, and gives us hope.
crossway multiply seeks gospel renewal on three levels
We want to see our region saturated with disciples that make new disciples, Gospel Communities that make new Gospel Communities, and churches that multiply to many flourishing churches.

A disciple of Jesus follows Jesus and helps others do the same. At CrossWay, we are committed to investing in those inside and outside the community of faith.
We seek to equip and encourage people for disciple-making in their everyday life. Members are committed to honoring God and being others-oriented, which requires a willingness to let go of comfort and invest in your community.
We seek to equip and encourage people for disciple-making in their everyday life. Members are committed to honoring God and being others-oriented, which requires a willingness to let go of comfort and invest in your community.

Gospel Communities are small groups of disciples that are families of disciples on mission. Gospel Communities are commissioned to weave people in that are disconnected and to reach out to those who are outside of the Church.
Our hope is that growing Gospel Communities multiply to become many Gospel Communities.
Our hope is that growing Gospel Communities multiply to become many Gospel Communities.

Our desire is to establish many flourishing churches in our region through a variety of avenues including: traditional church plants, revitalization, incubating churches, and pioneering efforts.
Our dream is to see bible-believing, christ-centered, god-glorifying communities of faith in every neighborhood.
Traditional Church Plants
Traditional church plants send out a team of leaders and members to begin a new, independent local church. Our two historic church plants, CrossWay Milwaukee and Christ the King, were traditional church plants.
revitalizing efforts
Church revitalization looks to help an existing church find a new vision, focus and passion for the gospel. It requires collaboration between the existing church and CrossWay. The goal is to firmly establish the church on God’s word, the good news of Jesus Christ, and equip people for mission.
incubating churches
This is a gradual church plant, one that moves from dependence to independence over several years. The transitional nature of an incubating church allows the new church to have a laser focus on its mission, while still being supported by the sending church in other areas, like administration.
pioneering efforts
This is when a group of people do intentional gospel work in places that are particularly challenging and require unique approaches to establishing flourishing churches. While the end goal is to see a healthy church, the timeline, steps and strategy to begin a church will likely be significantly different than other avenues.

Justin and Catherine Denney began a pionnering effort in Kenosha's Wilson neighborhood in 2019. They moved into the area, continued the decade-long after-school program at Wilson Elementary, and built a network of relationships. After listening and learning from the community, the Denney's planted a classical Christian school called Kenosha Christian Academy, which launched Fall 2022.
To find out more, reach out to Justin Denney.
To find out more, reach out to Justin Denney.
supporting other churches
We know the people in our region will never be reached by the efforts of CrossWay alone. So we always want to pay attention to like-minded churches that are being planted in our area, and find ways to support them in whatever way we can.

We have supported two new churches in our region:
Eastside Church is a collective of neighborhood churches being planted in Madison by Ben Hacker. Ben was a member of CrossWay and a part of the CrossWay Pastoral Training Course.
Redemption Church is a church plant sent from Grace Church in Racine. Redemption began in downtown Wauwatosa and are now located in Brookfield.
Eastside Church is a collective of neighborhood churches being planted in Madison by Ben Hacker. Ben was a member of CrossWay and a part of the CrossWay Pastoral Training Course.
Redemption Church is a church plant sent from Grace Church in Racine. Redemption began in downtown Wauwatosa and are now located in Brookfield.
how can I be engaged in local, ADVANCING ministry?
Our bold efforts are empty without God going before us, opening doors, softening people’s hearts, and breaking down barriers. Pray for God to establish flourishing churches, and pray that God would use the people of CrossWay for His great work.
Consider what God may have in store for you. What spiritual risks may God be asking you to take? What opportunities are coming up that you may want to consider? What gifts and skills has God given you that can be leveraged to honor God and bless others?
Begin preparing for what God may do by humbly asking Him to lead you. Reach out to Pastor Josh Mathews if you ever want to talk about what God may be stirring in your heart.