One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

Our Team

Elders and Pastors

CrossWay's elder council is made up of both ordained pastors and lay elders. The elder council, along with the remaining members of the pastoral team, make up CrossWay’s leadership team. The leadership team is responsible for shepherding the people of CrossWay and overseeing its ministries.

DavID daghfal

Lay Elder

jim dunn

Lay Elder

keith fisher

Lay Elder

Ryan Fultz

Elder  I  Pastor of Student Ministries

Mark Gunderson

Lay Elder

Steve handler

Pastor for Discipleship

Chuck heinrich

Lay Elder

Bruce hoffmire

Elder  I  Pastor of Children's Ministries

Kyle Luck

Pastoral Resident

Josh mathews

Elder  I  Pastor of Discipleship

Steve moore

Elder  I  Pastor of Worship

bill nye

Elder  I  Pastor of Discipleship & Operations

Chad peterson

Lay Elder

Steve scherer

Lay Elder

al town

Lay Elder

jeff trimark

Lay Elder

brett wendle

Elder  I  Senior Pastor


jenny andrus

Adult Discipleship Coordinator

Donnie Bayles

Building Manager

Trisha buster

Administrative Assistant

Misty gunderson

Administrative Assistant

jason mccollum

Middle School Director

Christy Moore

Women's Ministry Director

Kim roalkvam

Children's Ministries Coordinator
Student Ministries Coordinator

Rolly ngouala


Andre Salviano


Daniel Tobar



The deacons give administrative oversight and care for the practical needs of those who attend CrossWay. Please reach out to them if you are in need of care or know someone in the church that needs assistance.
Steve Handler, Pastor for Discipleship,  gives oversight to the Deacon Ministry. He can be reached at or
262-857-4488  x211.

Rich Allen

kace crumble

kirk henderson

gerrit hengeveld

June Lawlor

Doug Ludwig

Javier Lugo

Raquel Lugo

Bob martinelli

Diane Martinelli

Linda Mulkey

sue smolinski