TEXT "CROSSWAYSTUDENTS" to 84576 to receive ministry updates.
sunday nights - beginning in september
5:30p - 7:30p
join us for the best night of the week!
Don’t miss out on the chance to build deep friendships, learn about Jesus, and have some fun while you're at it! Most nights we will open God’s Word together and break into smaller groups for discussion. Doors open at 5:00p. We can’t wait to see you!
Latest News
Here is the latest copy of the CrossWay Students News.
Here are a few important dates to mark on your calendar. Click here for a complete list of key dates for the year.
- SEP 8, 2024 | Kickoff
- JAN 17-18, 2025 | Winter Conference
- AUG 3-8, 2025 | Summer Camp

Be welcomed and experience deep relationships.

Develop a strong faith in Jesus and trust in his word.

Learn to love God, love people, and help others do the same.

June 12 - 17, 2022
camp awana, Fredonia, WI

JUNE 11-16, 2023
The Woods (formerly camp awana) Fredonia, WI
June 12 - 17, 2022
camp awana, Fredonia, WI

June 11 - 16, 2023
the woods (formerly camp awana), Fredonia, WI
sunday nights
Throughout the school year, we gather weekly at the church building. Most nights include some games, worship, teaching, and time in small groups. We meet from
5:30p-7:30p, but doors open at 5:00p.
5:30p-7:30p, but doors open at 5:00p.
big events
Our annual Winter Conference and Summer Camp events are fun opportunities for students to break away from their normal routine, so they can connect with others and spend time strengthening their faith.
summer stuff
During the summer, our weekly Sunday gatherings are replaced by a variety of fun activities, as well as some age-specific hangouts focused on a book or Bible study.

Hey, everyone!
I believe students are not just the future of the church...they are the church now! I want students to catch a vision of a big God who saves and calls them into a life of disciple making. I’m praying middle school and high school students find that they have a place at CrossWay where they can belong, believe, and become. We'd love to have you!
Ryan Fultz
Pastor of Student Ministries
Ryan Fultz
Pastor of Student Ministries
What we're about
Helping students experience hope and life in Jesus