One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

Become Who You Are

May 12, 2024    Brett Wendle

Discussion Questions 

Sermon Overview: 

Those who are new creations can and should live as new creations.

1. No longer be who you were (vv. 17-19)

A. The lifestyle of non-Christians is the product of a futile mind (v. 17)

B. Their hard hearts have led to dark minds, separation from God, and a surrender to impurity. (vv. 18-19)

2. How to become who you are (vv. 20-24)

A. Remember how you learned (and learned from) Christ (vv. 20-21)

B. Keep putting off your corrupt old self, being renewed in mind by truth, and putting on the godly new self (vv. 22-24)

Digging Deeper:    

1. Chameleons are an Amazon species of lizard that can adapt their appearance to match their surroundings in order to stay camouflaged and safe. How might Christians live like spiritual chameleons?

2. Why might Christians live like spiritual chameleons?

3. How can we tell if we are living like spiritual chameleons?

4. Pastor Brett helped us see that this passage is a call no longer to “be who we were” but instead “be who we are."  What is meant by this?  

5. Pastor Brett said that we who are new creations can and should live like new creations. Where in this text do we see that we can live as new creations? Where in this text do we see that we should live like new creations?

6. How might God want to use the description of the condition of unbelievers in vv. 17-19 to grow deeper compassion for unbelievers in our hearts?  What might be the fruit of that in our interactions with unbelievers?  

7. In vv. 18-19, hardness of heart lies at the bottom of the other realities mentioned. Why is this significant to see?

8. How does remembering how we learned Christ (and from Christ) (vv. 20-21), enable us to “be who we are”?  What might that look like, practically speaking? 

9. Our lives (how we “walk”) are profoundly shaped by our thinking. What are you bringing into your mind and heart that are helping you think rightly about God and who he has recreated you to be in Christ? 

10. Are there inputs into your mind and heart that tempt you to think in ways that do not align with God’s truth? If so, what are those things? How are they not helpful?

11. If you’re a follower of Jesus, how is your life different now compared to before you knew Jesus?

12. In what ways is your life now countercultural to the rest of society because you are a Christian? 

13. How does the gospel motivate you to live distinctly?

14.How is the old life without Christ different from a new life with Christ according to verses 22-24?
