One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

Building the Body to Maturity

May 5, 2024    Brett Wendle

Discussion Questions 

Sermon Overview: 

Jesus gives what we need to build his body to maturity.

1. Jesus has given gifts to every Christian (vv. 7-10)

2. He has given leaders to equip us to build one another up (vv. 11-12)

3. The goal of building is unity and maturity (vv. 13-14)

4. The way we build is speaking truth in love (vv. 15-16)

Digging Deeper:    

1. According to Eph. 4:7, who is the giver of the gifts?  Who (all) is on the receiving end of what is given?  

2. Encourage one another by sharing gifts from Christ you see present in other members of your Gospel Community.

3. How does this passage address a possible false humility (“I have nothing to offer.”), which can exist among us?  

4. How should knowing that each of us has received a gift(s) for the building up of the body motivate us when we gather together in Gospel Community, Sundays, and informally?  

5. As we saw last week, Ephesians 4 starts out with an emphasis on the unity we have in Christ. Within that unity, there is a diversity of gifts.  According to this text, what is the goal of using our varying gifts?

6. Among God’s people, there can at times be a misconception about who is called to “do ministry” and who isn’t. How does this passage address that?  

7. According to this passage, leaders are “gifts” to the church. What is their role (4:11-12)?  Do you see this happening at CrossWay?  How so?  

8. How does this undermine the idea that the full-time, paid pastors are there to do “ministry” for the rest of the church to “receive”?

9. According to vs. 12, who does the work of ministry?

10. If you’re a follower of Jesus, do you see yourself as a minister? Why or why not? 

11. As Christ uses us and the gifts he’s given us to build up his body, the result will be that we will no longer be “children” who are “tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine.”  Are you now or have you ever experienced being tossed around by ideas or beliefs that were contrary to God’s way?

12. We are called to “speak the truth in love”.  What might that look like among us?  Have you been on the receiving end of a brother or sister in Christ “speaking the truth in love” to you?  Did God use it in your life? How so?  Please share.

13. We are not meant to be consumers of our church, but contributors to our church. Why is it so easy to have a “consumer” mindset? In what ways do you see this in your attitude towards CrossWay?
