One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

Family Made New

Jun 23, 2024    Josh Mathews

Discussion Questions

Sermon Overview: 

Families, live wisely by fulfilling your God-given roles. 

1. Children, honor your parents (6:1-3)

2. Fathers (and mothers, too), bring up your kids (6:4)

Digging Deeper:

Read Ephesians 6:1-4

1. What does it mean for children to obey their parents “in the Lord” (v. 1)?

2. Kids, what makes it hard for you to obey your parents?

3. Kids, how does it affect you to know that obeying your parents pleases God?

4. Kids, how is it motivating to know that there's a goodness God intends for your life as a result of your obedience?

5. How might these verses apply to adults who have difficult relationships with their parents?

6. Parents, especially dads, in what ways are you tempted to neglect your family? 

7. By just looking at how time is used in your family, what would it communicate about what your family values and thinks is important?

8. Spouses and friends in Gospel Community, how have you noticed the dads in your group leading their families well? Speak encouragement to one another.

9. Parents, what are steps you can take to prioritize the spiritual nourishment of your kids? What have you done well? Where can you grow?

10. What does it mean to “provoke”(v4) children, and what might that look like?

11. How can children and parents seek forgiveness and healing when these instructions have not been followed in the past?

12. How can our church community support families in living out these instructions?
