"Walk as Children of Light"
Discussion Questions
Sermon Overview:
Pursue God-pleasing purity together
Because you are light in the Lord…
Flee impurity of body, heart, and mouth (vv 3-7, 11a)
Give thanks (v 4c)
Bear fruit (vv 8-10)
Expose evil in the world and one another (vv 11b-14)
Digging Deeper:
Read Ephesians 5:3-14
The passage describes two lifestyles, one that God’s people should pursue and another that God’s people should avoid. What are some of the descriptors used for each group?
There are at least three ways to approach a lifestyle of following God: (1) try really hard to obey, (2) ignore the commands or (3) allow the gospel to motivate you to obedience. What difference does it make which approach you take? What are the consequences? (for example, if one tries to follow these commands by trying really hard, it could lead to pride if they are achieved or self-hatred if they are not. If one ignores these commands, there’s a grave warning at the end of verse 5.)
We are light (vs. 8). Therefore we are called to flee impurity of body, heart & mouth (vv. 3-7, 11a). From the aspects of impurity mentioned in this passage, by which can you find yourself most tempted?
Discuss what sexual purity and sexual immorality look like now. What are things the culture advocates as good and permissible that God would say is immoral? What are things that God would say is good that the culture would say is not good?
As children of light, we are called to give thanks (v. 4c). How is a thankful heart an antidote to covetousness / greed / idolatry? Have you seen this reality play itself out in your own heart? Please share.
As children of light we are called to bear fruit (vv. 8-10). In sharp contrast to the world, we are to live lives marked by what is "good and right and true.” (v. 9). What’s the difference between living a life that merely seeks to avoid certain (bad) things, versus pursuing a life that proactively seeks to do certain (good) things (“bear fruit”)?
Bible-believing Christians often have a reputation for what we deny and reject, but not a matching reputation for gracious generosity towards others. Could that ever be true of you? How can you live in such a way that people realize that you love them as well as realizing that you live distinctively (even when that is unpopular)?
Because we are light in the Lord, we are called to expose evil in the world and in one another (vv. 11b-14). How did Pastor Brett help us think through what that might look like practically? Given where he has you, how might God be calling you to live this out? What might it look like to do this poorly? What might it look like to do this well? How can we encourage one another to do this well (in a way that is pleasing to God)?
Pursuing God-pleasing lives of purity and holiness is not something we can do well on our own. We need each other. What might it look like for your GC to be more intentional about pursuing holiness / purity together? What might be a good next step toward that?