Marriage Made New
Sermon Overview:
Married Christians, in your use of and response to authority, imitate Christ and the church.
1. Wives must respect their husbands' authority. (5:22-24)
2. Husbands must love their wives sacrificially and for their spiritual good (5:25-33)
Digging Deeper:
Read Ephesians 5:22-33
1. Verses 22-24 and 33 refer to the respect for the Husband’s authority. How did the sermon help us understand this?
2. Brett said, “Jesus modeled the headship, and headship conveys authority.” What did he mean by this?
3. How is the Biblical view of submission different from the secular view?
Consider Jesus’s submission to the Father (his own identity and purpose didn’t change as He submitted to the Father) versus one-sided dominance, individual autonomy, downplayed leadership, and loss of the wife’s dignity.
4. Discuss what is implied and not implied in a wife’s’ submission to her husband
5. According to verse 25, for what purpose did God give authority to Husbands?
6. What are the limits of a husband's authority? How can a husband sin or fail in exercising his authority?
7. How does the way Christ loves the church (v. 25) inform how husbands should love their wives?
8. What can a husband do for the spiritual good of his wife?
9. What are some practical ways a husband can show sacrificial love to his wife and a wife can show respect and support to her husband?
10. Reflect on a relationship in your life where you can apply the principles of sacrificial love and respect. How might this change the dynamic of that relationship?
11. How can marriage build in us a servant’s heart today?
12. Marriage can be challenging. Will you be willing to seek help, and if so, where can the spouses go for help/counseling?
Hints: Elders, godly women and men
13. How/What do singles and those aspiring to marry prepare themselves to be good spouses within the church now?
For example, by visiting or inviting a married family's home, learning from their struggles, and understanding the lessons from their marriage.
14. How can we encourage/pray for husbands and wives of Crossway?