One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

Well-Aimed Devotion, Well-Anchored Trust

Jul 17, 2022

Sermon Application Questions:

1. What things in this world tend to draw your heart away from full devotion to God? This is a simple and straightforward question but honesty and clarity here is a critical first step in helping you respond to and benefit from Christ’s words in Matthew 6.

2. What things do you tend to be anxious about? Again, be honest and specific here. Bringing the small “t” truth of personal honesty alongside the big “T” truth of God’s word will produce good results.

3. “Our anxiety about things reveals that we’re focusing too much on the things of this world.” Do you think that statement is true? If it is true, where does it point for a solution?

Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532