One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

The Good Life for Everyone

May 29, 2022    Josh Mathews

Sermon Application Questions:

1. If Jesus says Christians are salt of the earth and light of the world, he's indirectly saying the world is decaying, bland, and dark. Does this capture the world as you experience it? Why or why not?

2. For salt to be effective, it must not be compromised. What are ways you are tempted to compromise Christian beliefs? Or, another way to put it, are there claims/goals/aspirations in the world that you feel really drawn to but would be a compromise biblically?

3. For light to be effective, it has to be displayed. What are ways you are tempted to hide your Christian beliefs? Or, another way to put it, are there things about being a Christian or the Bible that you have a hard time being public with?

4. What is your natural tendency: to be salt (distinct life, good living) or being a light (displayed, speaking God's truth)? How can you grow in both?

Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532