One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

Loving Like Your Father

Jun 26, 2022    Brett Wendle

Sermon Application Questions:

1.Is there a past hurt in your life regarding which you are finding it difficult to forgive and desire good for the person responsible? Do you find help in considering how Jesus endured difficulty by entrusting judgment to God (1 Peter 3:23)?

2.When Jesus calls us to love our enemies (v. 44), is there someone who comes to mind for you? Is there someone who has sought or continues to seek to harm you, whether by keeping you at a distance, slandering you, or in some way persecuting you? What could you do to love that person according to Jesus’ teaching?

3.Is there someone for whom you think you ought to begin consistently praying, whether for God to change your heart towards them, for God to do them good in a particular way, for God to grant them repentance and forgiveness or for all of the above? How will you remember to pray for them?

Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532