A Most Promising Posture of Heart
Sermon Application Questions:
1. How might you go about assessing whether you’ve got the “log” of self-righteous judgment in your “eye”? If you detect it, what steps might you take to remove it?
2. Should you ever be concerned about the “speck” in your brother’s eye? What does v. 5 suggest? Have you ever experienced the good of someone helping you with some “speck” in your life?
3. How strong would you say the impulse is in your heart to “ask”, “seek” and “knock”? Is that a pretty much constant impulse or is it something that shows up only occasionally? What might you to do cultivate a more consistent posture of active dependence on God?
Bonus Question – How consciously and consistently grateful are you for all the “good things” you have received from God in Christ? What good things are you most regularly grateful for?
Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532