Blessed are the Pure in Heart
Sermon Application Questions:
1.Read Ezekiel 36:25-27 and James 4:8. There is a paradox (not contradiction!) in the Bible’s teaching about the heart. On the one hand, only God can give a new heart. On the other hand, we are called to purify our hearts. How do these truths work together in the Christian life?
2.Is there an area of your life where you are tolerating sin or allowing something to compete with God as your first priority? What first step can you take (with God’s help) to turn from that? What trusted Christian friend can you confess to and ask to pray for you?
3.What do you think it will be like to see God’s face? How does knowing that Christians can confidently hope that they will see God affect your day-to-day life until Jesus returns? How does this hope relate to your pursuit of purity of heart?
Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532