Our Saving and Sympathetic High Priest
Sermon Application Questions:
Sermon Overview:
This past Sunday we looked at Hebrews 4:14-5:10 with the main idea being: hold fast to Jesus, who saves eternally and helps sympathetically.
Digging Deeper :
Read Hebrews 4:14-5:10
Why do we need Jesus as a high priest?
Jesus is a high priest that was: (1) appointed by God, (2) chosen among men and (3) able to offer sacrifices for sin. Why are each of these elements signifcant?
In this passage, the author of Hebrews is calling his readers to do two things (or to keep doing two things). What are they? (see vv. 4:14b, 4:16)
The passage calls for us to hold fast our confession. What does holding fast to Jesus and his good news look like for you?
What makes it hard to hold fast to Jesus?
The passage calls for us to draw near with confidence to God. Despite our sin, why can we confidently go to God?
What makes us nervous to go to God? How can knowing Jesus as our high priest help us in our times of anxiety?
What do the things that tempt us seem to promise us? How do they leave us wanting more?
In this passage, the author compares and contrasts Jesus, our great high priest, to the priests of the Old Testament.
How does this passage provide for us an example of the benefits of knowing / understanding the Old Testament?
Through this passage, we are invited to come to Christ for the help we need. Jesus offers help when we are tempted. Jesus offers help when we are suffering. Jesus offers help when we have sinned.
Is there a time when you have experienced Jesus’ help in one of these areas? Please share.
In which of these areas do you most feel your need for Jesus’ help now?
Practically speaking, what would it look like for you to go to him for the help you need?
Take It Home:
What is one thing from this week’s discussion or sermon that is important for you to remember?
Prayer Requests:
Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532