One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

God Equips Us for a God-Pleasing Life

Dec 3, 2023    Brett Wendle

Discussion Questions:

Sermon Overview:

This past week’s sermon was focused on three encouragements to pursue a life pleasing to God in dependence on God:


(1)  God makes perfect peace (v. 20a)

(2)  We have a living, almighty shepherd (v. 20b)

(3)  God works in us to do his will. (b. 21)

Digging Deeper:   

·      In your own words, what does a life of pleasing God look like?


·      What aspects of your life are pleasing to God?


·      What have you noticed in one another’s lives that is pleasing to God?


·      What aspects of your life are displeasing to God?


·      God knows we need encouragement to live a life pleasing to him. What from this passage encourages you to live a life pleasing to him?


·      Verse 20 describes God as a “God of peace.” How have you in the past experienced God’s peace? How would you like to experience God’s peace in the future?


·      From verse 21, Pastor Brett described how God actually works in us to do his will. How does this free you from feeling weighed down by the call to live a God-pleasing life?


·      How could you even more cooperate with the Holy Spirit as helps us live a life pleasing to God?


Take It Home:

What is one thing you want to take away, remember, do, or change in light of this week’s sermon and discussion?

Prayer Requests:


Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532