"Do Not Throw Away Your Confidence"
Sermon Application Questions:
Sermon Overview:
This past week’s sermon was focused on the idea that followers of Jesus endure in the confidence Christ has provided, knowing your reward is sure.
The author has established that because of Christ’s priesthood (ch. 5-7) and sacrifice (ch. 8-10), we have confidence to enter God’s presence, both now in prayer and ultimately in eternal life. Chapter 10 verses 19-21 recap this idea.
From here, there are two paths we could choose to either reject it (vv. 26-31) or endure (vv. 19-25).
Digging Deeper:
The passage begins with the statement in verse 19 that a follower of Jesus should be “confident to enter the holy places.” What are the two reasons why a follower of Jesus should be confident to be close with Jesus? (see verses 19-21)
In light of this confidence, the writer repeats the phrase “let us” three times in verses 22-24. What are the three things he calls the readers to?
Verse 22 calls followers of Jesus to draw near to Jesus. Do you regularly do this? If so, what does it look like practically?
Verse 23 calls followers of Jesus to hold fast to their hope in Jesus. What about your life makes it challenging to keep trusting Jesus? How does what is stated in the second half of verse 23 help us hold fast?
Verse 24 calls followers of Jesus to “stir up one another to love and good works.” What are ways described in verse 25 to do what’s called in verse 24?
Have you experienced someone stirring you up in this way? If so, what did it look like?
How could you stir up someone in the way of verses 24-25 this coming week or month? Does anyone in particular come to mind?1
The writer, again, describes a stark warning for not following Jesus. Read 10:26-31. What is a takeaway for you from these verses?
Read 10:32-24. Imagine what the readers went through. How does it strike you that the original readers “joyfully accepted the plundering of their property?”
What truth enabled the readers to do this? See verse 34b.
What is the better and abiding possession in verse 34b?
How might this truth help us toward radical, practical, and costly love?
Take It Home:
What is one thing you want to take away, remember, do, or change in light of this week’s sermon and discussion?
Prayer Requests:
Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532