One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

The Perfect Sacrifice

Oct 29, 2023    Josh Mathews

Sermon Application Questions:

Sermon Overview:

The main point of this week’s sermon was: Jesus alone is the perfect sacrifice to take our sins away, so stay loyal to him. The passage progresses through four reasons why Jesus alone is the perfect sacrifice: 

Jesus alone is the perfect sacrifice because every other way fails 

Jesus alone is the perfect sacrifice because he’s the long-awaited, once-for-all all replacement 

Jesus alone is the perfect sacrifice because he sat down. 

Jesus alone is the perfect sacrifice because he begins a new era. 

Digging Deeper: 

Hebrews 10:3 tells us, “But in these sacrifices, there is a reminder of sin every year.” The old covenant sacrificial system provided people stark visual reminders of the reality and gravity of sin and the resulting need for atoning sacrifice. The author of Hebrews has repeatedly told us that the covenant we are under (i.e. the new covenant) is “better.” Does the new covenant do a “better” job of showing us the reality of sin, the gravity of sin, and the need for atoning sacrifice? If so, how? 

Hebrews 10:4 tells us, "For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.” If the blood of bulls and goats did not “take away” the sins of the people under the old covenant, then were any of them saved? If so, how? [see Genesis 15:6 for help]. 

You're likely not tempted to look to animal sacrifices to take away your sins like the original readers. However, when you do sin, what are you tempted to look to for cleansing and fulfillment?  

Hebrews 10:14 tells us, "For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified.” Is the idea that, in one sense, we have already been perfected (or have already “been sanctified” cf. v.10), yet in another sense we are not yet perfect a new concept for you? How might these categories help seek to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in the process of your ongoing sanctification? 

How can we as a Gospel Community help one another heighten our awareness of Jesus’ greatness? 

 If you’re loyal to Jesus and trust that his death took away your sins, then this passage says that you are forgiven (vs. 18). How does being fully forgiven change your life? What does it do for you personally? How does it change the way you interact with others? 

Take It Home:

What is one thing you want to take away, remember, do, or change in light of this week’s sermon and discussion? 

Prayer Requests: