One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

Consider Jesus

Sep 17, 2023    Brett Wendle

Sermon Overview: 

The main idea from this past week’s sermon was to stay focused on Jesus, because those who hold their trust in him are his people forever. We were called to consider Jesus’ faithful work (vv. 1-2), Jesus’ greater worth (vv. 3-6a) and the promise of being his people forever if we hold fast to him (v. 6b).  

Ice Breaker: 

If you could build your dream home, what feature would be non-negotiable?   

Digging Deeper:  

Read Hebrews 3:1-6 together. 


Considering Jesus, as 3:1 states, is one of the main things this passage advocates.  


What challenges your ability to give regular time and attention to thinking about his greatness and all he’s done for you? In other words, what tends to occupy your attention more than Jesus? 


We are all going to consider something. How can we be sure Jesus is what we’re considering most? What would it look like to take action this week? 


Part of considering Jesus is considering the goodness of the identity he’s given to those who follow him. For example:  


We’re holy: we’re acceptable to God and can come to him in confidence. (3:1) 

We have a sure hope: God’s invited us to join him in perfect eternity. (3:1) 

We belong to a people: as part of God’s house, we have brothers and sisters that love us, care for us, accept us, and are along with us as we follow Jesus. (3:6) 


Which of these do you find yourself easily considering and rejoicing in?  


Which of these would you like to grow in experiencing the goodness of? How might you take a good next step in pursuing it? 


A house analogy is used in verses 3-6.1  


What is the comparison in verse 3? 


What does that tell us about who Jesus is (verse 4)? 


The imagery changes in verses 5-6. How does Moses and Jesus relate to the house now? 


The passage assures us that those who hold fast to faith in Jesus are his house (3:6b).  


Share a time when it was hard to hold fast to faith in Jesus. 


How can put your confidence and courage in Christ this week?  


Do you know someone who feels cast off by God? How would you talk about this passage with that person?  

Take It Home:  

What is one thing from this week’s discussion or sermon that is important for you to remember? 


Prayer Requests:



Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532