One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

The Importance and Profitability of Sound Doctrine

Oct 20, 2024    Ryan Fultz

Discussion Questions

Sermon Overview 

The Scriptures are from God and powerful for salvation, sanctification, and safeguarding.

Digging Deeper    

Read 2 Timothy 3:14-4:4 

1. Our fifth Defining Value as a church is “The Importance and Profitability of Sound Doctrine.” (You may want to reread this section of the Defining Values document.)  What are some of the ways you see this value lived out in our life as a church? Are there ways you would like to see us grow in this? How so?   

2. If applicable, share the role the Bible has played in God helping you become a follower of Jesus?

3. What difference does it make that the Scriptures are, as verse 16 begins, “breathed out by God”? 

4. How could an ongoing awareness that God “breathed” the Scriptures help you be motivated to read the Bible and be affected by it?

5. Share how the Scriptures have benefited your life, potentially in the following categories:

-Teaching: what to believe

-Reproof: what not to believe

-Correction: what not to do

-Training in righteousness: what to do

6. How do you handle situations where the Bible calls you to do something that you don’t feel like doing? Or vice versa, calls you not to do something that you want to do?

7. What’s the goal of being affected by Scripture? (answer in verse 17)

8. What does it mean to have “itching ears” in vs. 3?

9. How can you be tempted to surround yourself with people that “suit your own passions” (v. 3b)?

10. What else, other than the Bible, could you be tempted to look to as the ultimate authority and guide in your life?

11. How can a commitment to prioritizing the Sunday morning gathering be a key part of pursuing sound teaching (contra vs. 3)?
