Satisfied in God Alone
Discussion Questions
Sermon Overview:
Find your soul's eternal satisfaction in Jesus and his death.
Digging Deeper:
Read John 6:22-59
1. What does it mean that Jesus is the bread of life? (vv. 22-34)
2. It is possible to seek Jesus (or God), not because we want him, but because we see him as a way to get something we want (cf. 6:26). Has there been a time or situation when you have seen this dynamic at work in your own heart? If so, please share.
3. In the Old Testament, God’s people needed food and God provided physical bread (called manna) that came from heaven (see Exodus 16 for the remarkable story; John 6:32). How did manna point forward to Jesus “the living bread that came down from heaven” (v. 51)?
4. Practically speaking, what does it look like for Jesus to provide us (his people) with spiritual nourishment? What does that look like in your life?
5. Where, apart from Jesus, do you seek your soul's satisfaction, your hunger for love, security, identity, purpose, beauty, etc.?
6. Part of what it means to come to Jesus to receive eternal life is acknowledging that we are weak, needy creatures who are “hungry” and “thirsty.” In what ways can we find ourselves bristling against the notion that we are in desperate need for someone outside of ourselves to provide for us what we need? Why do you think we resist acknowledging this?
7. Look again at v. 35. How does the metaphor of Jesus as “the bread of life” help us better understand and appreciate all that Jesus is for his people? How does reflection on what (literal) bread is and does for us help us here?
8. In v. 35 Jesus tells us that believing in him (i.e. coming to him) means the end to hungering and thirsting. What did Jesus mean? Have you experienced something like this in your own life? Please share.
9. Why will those who believe never hunger again?
10. How does Jesus provide this eternally satisfying life?