One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

Commitment to Faithfully Pass the Gospel on to Others

Nov 10, 2024    Brett Wendle

Discussion Questions

Sermon Overview 

A life worthy of the gospel is marked by a costly commitment to the gospel's progress in the world and the church's progress in the gospel.

1. A life worthy of the gospel rejoices at the gospel's progress (vv. 12-18a)

2. A life worthy of the gospel aims at Christ's honor through the church's progress (vv. 18b-26)

3. A life worthy of the gospel endures together suffering for the gospel. (vv. 27-30)

Digging Deeper    

Read Philippians 1:12-30

1. Our eighth Defining Value as a church is “Commitment to Faithfully Pass the Gospel on to Others.” (You may want to reread this section of the Defining Values document below.)  What are some of the ways you see this value lived out in our life as a church? Are there ways you would like to see us grow in this? How so?   

2. Verse 12 talks about the advance of the gospel. What does that mean?

3. Even though Paul is in prison, the good news of Jesus spreads throughout the prison guards (v. 13) and encourages followers of Jesus to be bold in sharing the gospel too (v. 14). Where else in the Bible or in your own life have you experienced God using something that seems bad for good? (see Acts 2:23 for the ultimate example).

4. Paul talks about groups of people with differing motivations for preaching the gospel: (1) out of envy and rivalry and (2) out of goodwill.  Surprisingly, Paul doesn’t call this first group out and instead rejoices that Christ is proclaimed      (v. 18a). How should Paul’s response affect the way we prioritize the spread of the gospel?      

5. How might this passage and this sermon help us be a part of spreading the gospel to others?

6. What would suffering for the gospel look like for us today? What’s the worst that could happen if you share the gospel with a friend?

7. What keeps us from sharing the gospel with others?

8. How could the members of this Gospel Community help you share the gospel with others?

9. Share if there’s someone in your life that you’d love to know Jesus. How might God use you to share the gospel with them?


Defining Value 8: At CrossWay we see ourselves, along with all Christians, as commissioned by God to engage with our local community and with the larger world in such a way that the Gospel is faithfully demonstrated and clearly proclaimed.  We also see it as a specific charge from God to pass on to our children a clear and complete doctrine and a compelling witness to the transforming grace of God, and by so doing, firmly establish the next generation in its faith in Jesus Christ.  CrossWay is committed to the advance of the gospel in our homes, in our community and in the world.