One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

The Active Presence and Ministry of the Holy Spirit

Oct 27, 2024    Brett Wendle

Discussion Questions 

Sermon Overview 

Jesus sent the Spirit to show the world its need and to share with us God's truth.

Digging Deeper    

Read John 16:4b-15 

1. Our sixth Defining Value as a church is “The Active Presence and Ministry of the Holy Spirit.” (You may want to reread this section of the Defining Values document.)  What are some of the ways you see this value lived out in our life as a church? Are there ways you would like to see us grow in this? How so?   

2. When you think of the Holy Spirit, what comes to mind? How is that similar or different from what was covered in the passage or in the defining value?

3. Given our love for the Savior, it is not unreasonable that we might wish that we had been alive when Jesus was on earth. And yet, Pastor Brett helped us see from this text (cf. vv. 4b-7), that it is better for us that Jesus is no longer here on earth. Why is it better? Do you believe this to be true with your mind? Do you feel this to be a precious reality with your heart?   

4. This text shows us that one of the roles of the Holy Spirit is to show the world its need for Christ (vv. 8-11). Verse 8 says that he (the Spirit) “will convict the world concerning sin…”  What does this mean? Is this a good thing? Why (or why not)?  

5. How have you seen this ministry of the Holy Spirit (to bring conviction of sin) at work in your own life? What good comes from conviction?

6. Verse 8 tells us that the Holy Spirit will also “convict the world concerning….righteousness”?  What does this mean? How does justification by faith address our lack of righteousness? What are some ways this truth should function in your life today?  

7. The Spirit will also convict the world “concerning… judgment” (v. 8). What does this mean?  How might reflection on the judgment to come motivate us to humbly, lovingly point unbelievers in our lives to their need for Christ?  

8. Verses 12-15 show us that the Spirit shares God’s truth with us (God’s people). In verse 12, Jesus promised that the Spirit “will guide (us) into all the truth.”  What does this mean? How might we find encouragement from this truth? 

9. What aspects of who the Holy Spirit is should bolster our confidence that he is more than capable of guiding us into the truth?  

10. How does the Spirit work in and through the Scriptures to guide us into the truth?  

11. Are there specific verses / truths from this passage you could share with others who don’t follow Jesus in your life?  With whom could you share them? 
