One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

"Who is This?"

Aug 13, 2023    Ryan Fultz

Sermon Application Questions:

Main Point:

The main point of this past Sunday’s sermon was: Jesus welcomes the broken and forgives those with humble faith. 


The passage contrasts how two people approach Jesus. One powerful leader has Jesus over but isn’t generous towards him. The other person has a shady reputation, but approaches Jesus with gratitude and lavish generosity.  


Re-read Luke 7:36-50 

Ice Breaker:

Share a story of a time when someone was really lavish towards you. Maybe it was a super nice gift, or a cool experience, or being really generous with their time.  


Digging Deeper:  

[1] Looking back at your notes from the sermon, was there anything that stood out to you, challenged your thinking, or was confusing?   


[2] Why do you think the woman was so lavish towards Jesus? And, in contrast, why do you guess the host was so restrained? 


[3] How is the woman in the passage humble and contrite? What can she teach us about humility? 


[4] The Pharisee saw the woman for what she had done (Luke 7:39). Jesus saw the woman’s changed heart and what she would be (Luke 7:47-50). How does this affirm or change your default thoughts about how God sees you? 


Read Isaiah 57:15 together.   


[5] Often when we’re around really important/rich/whatever people, we want to do our best to appear important/rich/whatever. In this passage, the opposite is the case. God is more important than any human ever, yet he wants to be with people who are low and humble. What does this reality tell you about God? How does this truth help you live honestly about your sin? How does this truth help you to live with freedom and peace? 


[6] How can you grow in humility before God? Why is it important to spend more time looking at God than ourselves to truly grow in humility? 


[7] How does the way Jesus is described in this passage help you live honestly about your brokenness without either being devastated by your sin or having to dismiss your sin? 


[8] Have you ever experienced Jesus’ forgiveness? If so, what did it feel like? How has it affected your life?  


Take It Home: 

What is one thing from this week’s discussion or sermon that is important for you to remember? 

Prayer Requests: 



Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532