One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

The Good Portion

Aug 20, 2023    Brett Wendle

Sermon Application Questions:

Main Point: 

The main point of this past Sunday’s sermon was: Prioritize listening to Jesus over serving Jesus, for his pleasure and your peace. 


The passage contrasts how Mary and Martha approach Jesus differently. Martha wants to do good things for Jesus but is distracted, anxious, and troubled. Mary makes it her highest priority to listen to Jesus. Jesus commends Mary for choosing the good portion. 

Ice Breaker: 

What’s something you have to do that can often leave you frazzled? (it could be a task, chore, or responsibility at work or home).  


What’s something you get to do that often leaves you refreshed and energized? 


Digging Deeper:  

[1] Humans are limited. You are a human. You are limited. How does knowing that you can’t do everything you want land on you? Is it discouraging? Is it freeing? Something else? How come? 


[2] If you had to choose, would you rather complete tasks or hang out with people? In other words, which is the higher priority: productivity or relationships? 


[3] When it comes to Jesus, how can doing things for him actually crowd out knowing and listening to him? How might this tension show up in your life? 


[4] Why does Jesus commend Mary’s choice to listen to his teaching over Martha’s choice to serve him? (see verse 42). 


[5] What is the highest priority of your life? Why?  


[6] What would your life look like if you gave increasing space to listen to God? What benefits do you think it would produce? What would have to be regulated or given up? 


Take It Home: 

What is one thing from this week's discussion or sermon that is important for you to remember? 

Prayer Requests:


Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532