One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

Not Seeing, Yet Believing

Aug 27, 2023    Josh Mathews

Sermon Application Questions:

Main Point: 

The main point of text is: that even though you cannot see Jesus, receive his blessing by believing in him.  


The passage contrasts Thomas who had his doubts, but was able to see Jesus and believe. For everyone after Jesus ascended into heaven, they wouldn’t be able to see Jesus. Jesus anticipates this period of history (post his ascension where his good news would spread and people would believe in him) and blesses those who believe without seeing. 

Ice Breaker: 

What is something you’ve changed your mind on? It could be an opinion on something significant or really mundane (e.g., I used to hate Chinese food but now love it). What led you to change your mind? 

Digging Deeper:  

[1] Have you ever had doubts about faith? If so, would you be willing to share? 


[2]  Thomas is full of doubt. But Jesus makes a special visit for him. Jesus talks to him, invites him to touch him, and to believe in him. What does all this tell you about how Jesus approaches those with doubt? How is that similar or different to what you expected? 


[3] Read 2 Corinthians 5:7. So much of becoming and being a Christian is based on things we cannot see. We cannot see Jesus (as John 20:29 references). And we cannot see our future resurrected body (as 2 Corinthians 5:7 states). If Jesus or the future can’t be seen, how can someone base their entire life around those realities? 


[4] In the sermon, belief in Jesus at the very least means a personal life-altering allegiance that Jesus is God that came to save sinners. Do you believe in Jesus? Why or why not? 


[5] Jesus commends those who can’t see him but believe. If you do believe in Jesus, how does that encourage you? 


[6] Jesus’ blessing on those who can’t see him but believe can be:  

(1) an invitation to believe him for the first time,  

(2) an encouragement to keep believing, and/or  

(3) an inspiration to share this good news with others.  


      As you reflect, which of those three sticks out to you? How come? 


Take It Home:

What is one thing from this week's discussion or sermon that is important for you to remember? 

Prayer Requests: 


Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532