In the Image of God
Sermon Application Questions
1. What comes to your mind when you think of yourself or others being 'in the image of God'? Is there anything in Genesis 1:26-27 or the surrounding verses that help you understand what that phrase means?
2. In the sermon it was said that being made in the image of God is the central and defining truth about our identity. Do you agree with that? What other things that define your identity might you be tempted to elevate to the primary position?
3. How is the truth that sin takes particular aim at distorting and destroying the equality of worth among humans showing up in your life? Where are you having to fight that effect of sin?
4. How is the truth that God is aiming his redemption at restoring his image in us and restoring the equality between people showing up in your life? Where are you able to rejoice in this redemptive work?