"The Two Shall Become One Flesh"
Oct 4, 2020 • Mike Bullmore • Genesis 2:24-25
Sermon Application Questions
1. What does the fact that both Jesus and the Apostle Paul refer to and quote Genesis 2:24 say about this verse?
2. What tells us that Genesis 2:24 applies to all humanity and not just to Adam and Eve?
3. How does the fact that marriage grows out of human sexuality—remember the 'therefore' at the start of Genesis 2:24—shape our understanding of marriage and singleness? Is marriage the only expression of maleness and femaleness?
4. If you are married, do you remember promising exclusivity and permanence to your spouse? If you are hoping to be married, would you want those promises made at your wedding? Why?
5. What does 'one flesh' mean and what should that reality look like in a marriage?