"Am I My Brother's Keeper?"
Sermon Application Questions
1. Cain’s murder of his brother started with pride, a feeling that he deserved God’s approval. Why is pride so dangerous, and why is it so hard to see in ourselves?
2. Can you identify any areas of your life in which you struggle with anger towards others? How might that anger be a manifestation of pride?
3. God has called his people to love their neighbors as they love themselves. Describe what it would look like to love another human being the way you love yourself—what would you want to make sure happened for them? As you consider what love ought to look like, can you think of any opportunities before you right now to show that kind of love?
4. How does knowing and trusting what Jesus has done shape us increasingly into people of love? How do you want the truth of the gospel to help you in your struggle from question 2?