One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

"The Greatness of Your Steadfast Love"

Nov 20, 2022    Mike Bullmore

Sermon Application Questions:

1. What are the ways you are “prone to wander”? Do you find any connections between the “wanderings” of the people outlined in Nehemiah 13 and those of your own life? How would God call you to respond to the awareness of your wanderings?

2. Stop and consider that simple phrase in v. 22: “The greatness of your steadfast love.” Do you sense that you feel the weight of the reality of the “steadfastness” of God’s love for you? What scripture helps you to know and feel this? Consider some of the passages that were referenced in the sermon, e.g. Psalm 25, Psalm 103, Romans 8, Hebrews 12.


Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532