One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

"Remember the Lord"

Sep 25, 2022    Brett Wendle

Sermon Application Questions:

1.Where do you see opposition to Christianity and Christians in our culture today? In what form do you experience opposition?

2.Do you find yourself tempted to discouragement or fear when you see or experience opposition? What form does that take? If not one of those, how does it affect you?

3.How does directing your thoughts to truth about God help you avoid discouragement and fear? What specific truths about God help you?

4.This passage shows us how God uses both our praying and our working (i.e. our participation in strengthening his kingdom and helping others enter it) in accomplishing his purposes. Are you more likely to neglect praying or working? How does remembering what God is like help you pursue the more neglected of those with renewed vigor?
Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532