One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

"Until I Come"

Nov 27, 2022    Brett Wendle

Sermon Application Questions:

1. In what ways does your awareness that Jesus will return shape your day-to-day life? What good effect can you imagine coming from a greater awareness of his future return?

2. Stewards serve their master’s desires, not their own. What other ambition or desire do you find most frequently competes with your desire to please God and do his will? What do you want for yourself that tempts you to choose your will instead of God’s?

3. Jesus has called us to expand and strengthen his kingdom by helping people begin trusting him and grow in trusting him. What opportunities has God provided you recently to participate in this work? Are there opportunities in front of you right now that you’d like him to help you respond to faithfully?


Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532