Pharaoh, the Plagues, and the God Who Preserves His People
Sermon Application Questions:
1. Have you had an experience of God preserving you through a spiritually dangerous or challenging time?
2. Have you ever wondered if God is really able to preserve you through everything all the way to the end? What kinds of things make you wonder that?
3. It is clear that God’s working through the plagues and though the exodus is so that people will know, without doubt, that he is the one true and all-powerful God. What difference is that truth making in your life?
4. Were you surprised to hear God call the Egyptians 'my people' (Isaiah 19:25)? What does that do to your vision of God and his purposes? What implications might this have on your own sense of belonging to God? What implications might it have for how you see others?
Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532