The Last Plague and Passover
Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532
Sermon Application Questions - March 28, 2021:
1. God liberates his people through sacrifice. Imagine being a slave under
one of the most powerful kings of the day. Your parents were slaves, your
grandparents, and on and on as far back as you can remember. Then, in a
flurry of time, the God you've worshipped sets you free. How would you feel
personally? Towards God? How would being freed impact the way you see
relationships? work? Challenges?
2. Jesus liberates his people from sin through his death and resurrection.
What do you think about having a substitute take your place for a
punishment you've earned? What emotions come to mind? How could/should
Jesus' death and resurrection impact the way you see relationships? work?
3. Share a formative tradition, celebration, or rhythm from your life. It
can be big things or seemingly normal habits. What significance has it had
on you?
4. Are there any traditions you'd like to start? If so, what are they? And
why do you want to start them?
5. Would you characterize your heart as hard or soft towards God? Using the
list below, which items resonate with your life right now?
Hard-heart... | Soft-heart... |
Resists God | Receives God |
Seeks to work around God’s ways | Seeks to pursue God’s ways |
Endlessly searches for an identity, often within themselves | Joyfully Finds their identity in God |
Bends everything in life, career, friends, family, decisions, and lifestyles around itself | Bends everything in life, career, friends, family, decisions, and lifestyles around God |
Needs the approval of others, therefore constantly compromising to fill a void. | Has the approval of God, therefore consistently resting in fulfillment |
Walks through the struggles of life, often dependent on themselves | Walks through the struggles of life, dependent on God |
Thinks the best life is now | Thinks the best life is later |
Says it’s better to be aligned with their feelings, impulses, the ruling powers and/or social classes of the day, even if it means being opposed to God. | Says it’s better to be aligned with God, even if it means opposing some of their feelings, impulses, ruling powers and/or social classes of the day. |
Ultimately takes on God’s judgment and wrath | Ultimately Passes God’s judgment and wrath to Jesus |