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Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532
Sermon Application Questions:
1. God says that his aim in the exodus is that (14:4) 'I will get glory over Pharaoh and all his host, and that the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD.' Does that seem selfish to you? What are some reasons it’s good for us that God is committed to displaying his glory and revealing who he is?
2. This passage reveals God as his people’s present shepherd. What circumstances in your life right now make you feel your need for a shepherd to lead you and provide for you? How does this passage help you in your need?
3. God is his people’s gracious Savior. Do you ever find it difficult to keep a firm hold on this truth and instead feel more sure of God’s love when you’re obeying him consistently and less sure of his love when you fall short? How does seeing the way he deals with his people in this passage help you?
4. God is his people’s victorious king. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus he has defeated our greatest enemies: sin, death, and the devil. How does being deeply assured of this lead not to living however we want, but living for him? Have you seen this change in your own life?