The Gods We Make and the God Who Made Us
Sermon Application Questions:
1. Is there something, even some good thing, in your life that has become too important to you, potentially rivaling even God for first place in your life? These questions may help you discern:
a. Is there anything you will disobey God in order to get?
b. Is there anything you’re terrified to lose?
c. Where do you go for comfort when you’re stressed or afraid?
d. What do you think about when you can think about anything?
e. Is there anyone apart from God whose approval you absolutely need?
2. Why has it become so important to you? What are you trusting it to give you?
3. Now think of God as reveals himself in this passage and the whole Bible. How is what you’re seeking from an idol found in a more glorious and superior way in relationship with God?
4. How can holding this truth before you help you when you’re next tempted to give your heart to something other than God?
Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532