One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

Despair, Deliverance, and Delight

Jun 25, 2023    Josh Mathews

Sermon Application Questions:

1. Have you ever bought a knock-off product (e.g,. Fake Oakleys, Some Fake Designer Brand)? What was it? Why did you get it?

2. Fake religion claims that if you do a few good things for God then you can do whatever else you want. What's compelling about fake religion?

3. Fake religion doesn't work. It earns distance from God (Isaiah 58:4b, 59:2). There are at least three ways to respond: (1) try harder, (2) distract yourself, or (3) be humble and contrite (Isaiah 59:9-12). Which one are you naturally drawn to? 

4. Real religion is the delightful response to God's deliverance. Why is it important to distinguish that real religion is a response and not a work? (see Ephesians 2:8-9 if needed). 

5. Real religion is meant to be a delight. Where have you experienced joy in knowing and following Jesus?

6. Real religion is a delight even though there may be challenge. Where have you experienced challenge to follow Jesus?

7. There's a future to come where Jesus will come back and all will be made right again. How does that future reality impact your day? Week? Future?


Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532