The Servant Saves Through Suffering
Sermon Application Questions:
1. Are there any circumstances in your life that tempt you to wonder if God really loves you? How does beholding what Jesus has done as our substitute speak reassurance to your heart?
2. When you think about the “spoils” of victory Jesus shares with all who trust him (peace with God [v. 5]; healing of our hearts, bodies, and all creation [v. 5]; and perfect righteousness in God’s sight [v. 11]), which one most encourages you? Why?
3. Assurance, hope, and joy come from beholding Jesus by faith, both who he is and what he has done. Do you find yourself regularly meditating on Christ’s person and work, both in your private times with him and with other Christians? If not, what makes that challenging? Are there any adjustments to your priorities or schedule that would enable you to give more focus to beholding him?
Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532