God's Scandalous Mercy
Sermon Application Questions:
1.Read Exodus 34:5-7. Why is it important be continually reminded of both the mercy and justice of God? What happens if we neglect one or the other of these truths?
2.Do you find it easy or difficult to trust that God’s heart towards you is characterized by mercy, even when you fail to live for him? How does the book of Jonah help in this?
3.One sign of trouble in Jonah’s heart was that he was more concerned about the plant that made his booth more comfortable than he was the people in Nineveh who needed God’s mercy. How is this an expression of pride? Are there ways this self-focus shows up in your life?
4.Do you regularly pray to share God’s heart towards unbelievers and opportunities to speak with them about Jesus? Is there a particular relationship in which you want to increasingly have both compassion and opportunities to share?
5.Think of people, groups, or political movements in our culture that you perceive as threatening to the freedoms of Christians. Does it help your posture of heart towards them to remember that “they don’t know their right hand from their left”? What do you think it looks like to speak and to act towards them out of a heart of compassion rather than contempt?
Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532