God's Sovereign Commitment to Showing Mercy
Sermon Application Questions:
1. Jonah chapter 1 paints a picture of God as sovereign: in control of everything from a great storm to the casting of lots. Do you find the sovereignty of God more comforting or troubling? Why?
2. Jonah’s disobedience started when he elevated his nation above God in his priorities—he made his people an idol. Is there anything in your life that you find to be regularly challenging your obedience to God or your commitment to spending time with him? Do you have any relationships in which you are displeasing God in order to please another person? What do you think God wants you to do about these things?
3. God sent a storm after Jonah in order to turn him around and restore him to right relationship with God—the storm was a severe mercy. How does this inform how we think about suffering that comes into our lives?
4. Think of people who feel like enemies to you—maybe people who have wronged you, or are wronging you, or whose opinions you think are dangerous or harmful. How should knowing that God has mercy for his enemies shape the way you think about, pray for, and relate to them?
Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532