"There Were Shepherds..."
Dec 20, 2020 • Mike Bullmore • Luke 2:1-21
Sermon Application Questions:
Review the four 'Shepherd Truths' below and pick the one that seems to be most relevant to you in your current situation. What do you think God would have you do in response to that particular truth? Where might there be some resistance to what God would have you do? Make it a point to pray about this and perhaps talk to a Christian friend about it.
The 'Shepherd Truths'
1. Having your life interrupted by God is an unavoidably unsettling thing.
2. When your life is interrupted by God the best thing to do is respond right away.
3. When God does something in your life you should make it known to others.
4. When God interrupts our lives he usually wants us to go back into our ordinary lives, but differently.