"There Was a Girl..."
Sermon Application Questions:
Let’s focus in on the three things that God delights to see in us—humility, faith, and awe-filled praise. In which of these do you feel there is strength in your life? Where do you feel like there may be some room for growth?
1. How might a prideful resistance show up in your relationship to God and what he has said? Think about what genuine humility might look like in this area.
2. How conscious are you throughout the day of God’s presence and the fact that he is at work doing something great in the world? And, can you think of a recent time you actively trusted something God has said in his word? What did that produce in you?
3. Where does awe-filled praise show up in your life? Is there room for it in your private time with God? Is it in your heart when you worship with the gathered church?