Rebellion, Judgment, and Faithfulness in the Wilderness
Sermon Application Questions:
1. Before hearing the sermon, what would have come into your mind when you thought of the book of Numbers?
2. In Numbers 14:11 God says that the reason the people refused to enter the land was that they did 'not believe in me.' How does disobedience show unbelief? How is complaining (11:1, 4) also a fruit of unbelief? Do you see any habits of complaining or disobedience in your own life?
3. Hebrews 3:7-14 applies the story of Numbers 13-14 and calls us not to harden our hearts. What does he say leads to hardness of heart? What helps us not become hardened? What are some ways this practice can become a greater part of your life and the life of your Gospel Community?
4. Read Numbers 21:4-9 and John 3:14-18. What truth does Jesus want Nicodemus to understand in comparing himself to the bronze snake? Do you find it easy to keep this truth firmly in your mind and heart? What happens when we forget this truth?