Dark Shadows of Bright Realities
Feb 7, 2021 • Mike Bullmore • Leviticus
Sermon Application Questions:
1. What has been your experience with reading the book of Leviticus? What are your feelings about the book?
2. Both Colossians 2:17 and Hebrews 10:1 refer to the stuff of Leviticus as “a shadow”. What do you take that to mean? How does that help you in your reading of Leviticus?
3. As you read of the great Day of Atonement in Leviticus 16 and consider its great truths, i.e. the cost of sin, the provision of a substitute, the complete removal of our sin, how does knowing it is illustrating a much greater reality help you in terms of having a deep and personal appreciation for the gospel? Perhaps use Galatians 2:20 to help you here.