So When Will This Happen?
Sermon Application Questions:
1. How much do you think about the second coming of Jesus? If you don’t think about it much, why is that? Is it that you’ve never been taught about it and being unaware of it hinders your eagerness for it? Is it that your heart has grown somewhat cold and you don’t feel the preciousness of Jesus and that seeing him will be the greatest thing? Is it that you are afraid of what might happen on that day? Is it something else?
2. Consider I Thessalonians 5:8. How might your purposed pursuit of faith, love, and hope make you more prepared for Christ’s second coming?
3. Who do you know that might need the encouragement of the truth of Christ’s second coming? Think of a gentle and loving way to provide that encouragement and purpose to do that.
Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532