Our Ordinary Life Together and Prophecy
Sermon Application Questions:
1.The definition of prophecy used was "telling something the Spirit spontaneously brings to mind." What do you think of that definition? How is it similar or different from what you've thought/experienced?
2.There are two ditches of poorly approaching prophecies: being overly cautious or overly consumed. Neither are best. If you did lean towards one ditch, which one would it be? Why?
3.When you gather together, whether on Sundays or in Gospel Community or informally, do you tend to be a consumer or contributor? What would it look like to grow in contributing?
4.What's a good step for you to grow in hearing the Spirit's voice?
5.How can you ensure that the priority of God's word and faithful teaching isn't lost while eagerly desiring the work of God's Spirit in and through you?
Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532