To Be With Him Where He Is
Sermon Application Questions:
1. Surveying the entire Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, in what ways do you see God's desire to dwell with His people appear? What do these reveal about the character of God?
2. Do you find it easier to see God as a God of grace or as a God of righteousness? Why is it dangerous when one side nullifies the other? How would daily meditation on the cross of Christ help keep both God's grace and God's righteousness in proper perspective?
3. Jesus longs for you to be with Him where He is. How does this truth stir your own love and longing for Jesus? Why is it important for us to long to be with Jesus? What are some influences in your life that pull you away from longing for Jesus, and what are some influences that increase your desire for Him? What are practical things you can do to minimize the bad influences and maximize the good influences?
Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532